Nanti ithuba lokwakha noma ukuqedela osekwakhiwe endaweni yase Danganya, Umkomaas South Coast. Lendawo iseduze nomgwaqo oyitiyela, izikole ezimbili eziyi primary kanye nama High school, clinic nedolobha Umkomaas. Lendawo ebhekene no N2 freeway kanye...
Don't miss the chance to own this beautiful piece of land near Umkomaas. This property is perfect for new development, whether you want to build your own home or create rental cottages as an investment. It's conveniently situated near Sappi Siacor...
This incomplete four bedroom house is situated in Umgababa in a place called Ehlanzeni area, closed to Emagabheni township, easy to access main road. It has offers a big level land you can built another house,lounge,kitchen,two bathrooms. Save on...